Who is Cory Gerard?

Doctor Doodle is art teacher Cory Gerard.
Cory has been creating art since he was 5, and, teaching elementary school art for the past 8 years. Now, as Doctor Doodle, Cory wants to share with you fun and exciting ways to draw and create art.

I am not only an art teacher, I am an artist too. Below are examples of my artwork. My favorite media to work in is water color paint, however, I use pastels, pencils, pens, markers, charcoal, and most recently, the iPad Pro with Procreate. I love creating new artwork, that is why I am constantly making new artwork.
Do you see an artwork of mine that inspires you? Then don't say you can't, say that you will try, and, take out a piece of paper and try your hand at creating your own version of my artwork. If you are happy with your outcome and feel comfortable sharing the results with me, I would love to see what you have created. You can e-mail me by going to the contact page of this website.